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domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

On the 17th of October 2005 the first in a legendary series of podcasts compiled by DinsdaleP was broadcast. Every week or so , a new edition followed. They continued for 114  episodes until December the 11th 2007, an astonishing amount of material in such a short space of time and very hard work for the author who shared these with us. At the time they were unique in both their content and fact they still are... and although many have tried to emulate them none have succeeded. Dinsdale has very kindly made the original lossless tapes available to Nowhere Man Records, who are privileged to present them in their entirety, along with one or two surprises.

DinsdaleP Podcast 034


- "Hit Heard 'Round The World" (2-10-69)
- Now Hear This Song Of Mine ("Brung To Ewe By", 1971)
- All Together Now (iso-based remix)
- "Any Ol' Einstein" ("Yellow Submarine" soundtrack)
- "Swinging Flutes" Mellotron loop (Kenwood tape, ca. 12-66)
- E.H. Eric interview (Tokyo, 6-30-66)
- I Feel Fine (Budokan Hall, Tokyo, 6-30-66)
- Paul returns from Japanese jail (Amsterdam, 1-26-80)
- New Moon Over Jamaica (demo, 1988)
- Maggie Mae/I Fancy Me Chances (rehearsal, 1-24-69)
- The Wishing Book ("Beaucoups Of Blues" outtake, 6-26-70)
- Chains ("Pop Go The Beatles", 6-17-63)
- George w/Ritchie Yorke (9-69)
- Happiness Is A Warm Gun (overdub sync mix)

DinsdaleP Podcast 035


- John w/Bill Mercer ("Rosko") (WNEW-FM, 5-30-69)
- You Can't Do That ("Making Of A Hard Day's Night" stereo remix)
- Wrack My Brain (rough mix, 11-80)
- Woman (rehearsal, 1-14-69)
- "Mind Games" commercial (10-24-73)
- By George, It's The David Frost Theme!/It's Now Or Never (9-4-68)
- Don't Get Around Much Anymore ("The Last Resort", 11-27-87)
- Edwin Teaman w/Larry Kane (San Francisco, 8-19-64)
- Power To The People (alternate take, 1-22-71)
- I Don't Care Anymore ("Rock Around The World", 10-74)

DinsdaleP Podcast 036


- "The Beatles Today" (3-11-70)
- Don't Bother Me (composing demo, 8-63)
- Don't Bother Me (take 10, 9-12-63)
- 21st birthday interview (2-25-64)
- Jim Stagg interview (San Francisco, 8-31-65)
- You Like Me Too Much (production acetate, 2-17-65)
- "Scene And Heard" (9-13-67)
- "Innerview" w/Jim Ladd (6-18-79)
- Not Guilty (take 102, 8-12-68)
- "leaving the band now" (1-10-69)
- Anne Nightingale interview (2-1-77)
- Behind That Locked Door (rough mix, 1970)
- interview w/Ben Fong-Torres (11-12-74)
- The Pirate Song ("Rutland Weekend Television", 12-26-75)
- "Monty Python Examines The Life Of Brian" (9-79)
- I Don't Want To Do It (demo, ca. 1984)
- Dave Herman interview (WNEW-FM, 11-8-87)
- When We Was Fab (rough mix, 7-87)
- In My Little Snapshot Album (George Formby convention, 3-3-91)


Released in 1973 only in Germany. "A second Rickfors-led Hollies album Out On The Road (1973) was recorded and issued in Germany, however no UK or USA release was made as Rickfors then stepped down, giving this lost Hollies Album legendary status among the band's fans, and high prices on the original German release." 

01 - Out On The Road
02 - A Better Place
03 - They Don´t Realise I´m Down
04 - The Last Wind
05 - Mr. Heartbreaker
06 - I Was Born A Man
07 - Slow Down, Go Down
08 - Don ¥t Leave The Child Alone
09 - Nearer To You
10 - Pick Up The Pieces Again
11 - Trans-Atlantic West Bound Jet


The Liverpool Scene was a poetry band, which included Adrian Henri, Andy Roberts, Mike Evans, Mike Hart, Percy Jones and Brian Dodson. It grew out of the success of The Incredible New Liverpool Scene, a CBS LP featuring Henri and McGough reading their work, with accompaniment by the guitarist Roberts. Liverpool DJ John Peel, who was then working on the pirate radio station Radio London, picked up on the LP and featured it on his influential late-night Perfumed Garden show. After Radio London closed down, Peel visited Liverpool and met the band; as a consequence, they were featured in session on his BBC Top Gear and Night Ride shows, and in 1968 he produced their first LP. Four LPs were issued with Henri's poetry heavily featured. Despite Peel's support the albums achieved little success, although the band did become popular on the UK university and college circuit. Their public performances included a 1969 tour when they opened for Led Zeppelin; they also toured the USA but did not attract much acclaim from US critics and audiences. Henri was described in performance as "bouncing thunderously and at risk to audience and fellow performers, the stage vibrating out of rhythm beneath him."

01 - Tramcar To Frankenstein
02 - The Amazing Adventures Of Che Guevara (Part One)
03 - Gilders And Parks
04 - Burdock River Run
05 - The Amazing Adventures Of Che Guevara (Part Two)
06 - Universes
07 - Bat Poem
08 - The Amazing Adventures Of Che Guevara (Part Three)
09 - Percy Parslow's Hamster Farm
10 - Happy Burial Blues
11 - Palms
12 - The Amazing Adventures Of Che Guevara (Part Four)
13 - Love Story


On the 17th of October 2005 the first in a legendary series of podcasts compiled by DinsdaleP was broadcast. Every week or so , a new edition followed. They continued for 114  episodes until December the 11th 2007, an astonishing amount of material in such a short space of time and very hard work for the author who shared these with us. At the time they were unique in both their content and fact they still are... and although many have tried to emulate them none have succeeded. Dinsdale has very kindly made the original lossless tapes available to Nowhere Man Records, who are privileged to present them in their entirety, along with one or two surprises.

DinsdaleP Podcast 031


- John & Paul on "The Tonight Show" (5-14-68)
- Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey Hey! ("Shindig", 10-3-64)
- Ringo & the Plant Pusher (KHJ, 11-19-74)
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer (rehearsal, 1-10-69)
- Look At Me (alternate take, 10-70)
- John w/Tim Hudson (Warwick Hotel, 8-15-65)
- Shea Stadium auction sampler tape (8-15-65)
- King Of Fuh (Brute Force, 1-69)
- Bad To Me (demo, 5-63)
- Blackbird (Melbourne soundcheck, 11-13-75)
- Window Window (demo, 5-70)
DinsdaleP Podcast 032


- "Top Gear" (11-17-64)
- I'll Follow The Sun (iso-based stereo remix)
- John McGregor interview (Ipswitch, 10-31-64)
- Mr. Moonlight (take 4, stereo mix, 8-14-64)
- "About The Awful" ("Not Only... But Also...", 11-29-64)
- "Grampian Week" (Dundee, 10-20-64)
- No Reply (take 1, 9-30-64)
- Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby ("Top Gear", 11-17-64)
- Michael Rinehold interview (Plymouth, 10-29-64)
- What You're Doing (unknown take, 10-26-64)
- What You're Doing (take 11, 9-30-64)
- "North-East Newsview" (10-15-64)
- I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (stereo mix, 9-29-64)
- "Saturday Club" (11-25-64)
- I'm A Loser (takes 4-6, 8-14-64)
- Ringo tonsil interviews (University College Hospital, 12-1-64)
- Rock And Roll Music ("Saturday Club", 11-25-64)

DinsdaleP Podcast 033


- The Beatles' Christmas Record (10-17-63)
- So Like Candy (Paul & Elvis Costello demo, 1987)
- "The Mersey Sound" (8-28-63)
- "Upbeat" (Cleveland, 9-15-64)
- Savoy Truffle (mono mix)
- Paul w/Carroll James (Baltimore, 9-13-64)
- Ringo w/ Larry Kane (Nassau, 2-22-65)
- Vienna Bagism press conference (3-31-69)
- Sweet Little Sixteen (rough mix, 1973)
- "Sesame Street" (RKO Radio, 12-8-80)
- Honey Don't ("The Beatles (Invite You To Take A Ticket To Ride)", 5-26-65)
- John w/Art Schreiber (Indianapolis, 9-3-64)
- Open-End Interview With The Beatles (1-64)
- Flaming Pie ("TFI Friday", 6-27-97)
- A Taste Of Honey ("Side By Side", 4-1-63)


Write On is the first of two 1976 studio albums from English rock/pop band, The Hollies. This album, like the band's previous effort, features mostly songs written by the group's songwriting team. The final track of the album is the only one not composed by them. This album was not issued in the U.S.

01 - Star
02 - Write On
03 - Sweet Country Calling
04 - Love Is The Thing
05 - I Won't Move Over
06 - Narida
07 - Stranger
08 - Crocodile Woman (She Bites)
09 - My Island
10 - There's Always Goodbye


Recorded between 1968/9, eclectic mix of pop, folk, beat poetry, and proto progressive psychedelia. Members later played with Brand X, Grimms and Plainsong, THE WAY WE LIVE , TRACTOR , showing the range of musical influences represented here. Produced by John Peel.

01 - The Day We Danced At The Dole
02 - The Raven
03 - G.B.S.Blues
04 - The Entry Of Christ Into Liverpool
05 - 64
06 - Come Into The Perfumed Garden Maude
07 - See The Conkering Hero Comes
08 - Winter Poem 


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